
Those last, most difficult people to buy presents for

I don´t know about you, but right now I´m getting to that stage where I have bought all presents to those that are easy to buy for, and only have the "difficult" recievers left. You know, that kind of person who has everything, buys everything she/he needs or simply doesn´t need anything more...

A good idea is to get a basket or a box and fill it with different kinds of food that the person likes- chocolates, delicacies, regional specialities. Or, you can get basket with a certain theme such as:

  • A Gardening basket with bags of seeds, gardening tools, gardening gloves and maybe a book about gardening.
  • The Ultimate Car-kit: A flashlight, blanket, map, notebook and pen, a recorded cassette, emergency kit and other useful things you can think of.
  • Luxury-basket; chocolates, grapes and paperback novels. Pink furry slippers if the person has a sense of humor.
  • A Spa bucket; fill it with oils, bath fizzies, brushes and lotions to create a spa-at-home.
  • A Tea mug filled with teas, tea balls or maybe a coffee cup with freshly grounded coffee and some trendy sugar like muscavado.
  • For the knitter- a pattern (can be downloaded online for free or for a limited cost) with the yarn and needles needed.
  • A music-box with CDs from the recievers favorite artist/music period with biographies or books about it, maybe some notes?
  • A basket with the persons favorite spirits and a little booklet about it, maybe something that´s appropriate to eat with it.
  • De-stress collection with relaxing CD, relaxing tea, a relaxing aromatherapy candle or bath oil, a promise of a neck massage?

More ideas can be found here!


Jul i tidningarna

Vad har då våra stora dagstidningar för adventstips?

I Aftonbladet kan du få 43 tips för att skapa adventsmys, och läsa om Mimmi som har en julblogg.

En guide för att binda krans till dörren och ett test på elektriska adventsljusstakar hittar du hos Expressen.

DN har testat sällskapspel - något för mellandagararna kanske?

SvD har en egen julportal där de bland annat har tips för att minska julstressen och har publicerat Gujjes tradionella julkalender på nätet! Härligt, jag som inte är hemma i år kan ändå följa med =)

Uppsala nya tidning, UNT, tipsar om adventscocktail och bjuder på två olika julkalendrar som man kan vinna saker med, en där man ska gissa på rim och en med kunskapsfrågor.